Thursday, April 10, 2008

People Here Don't Jaywalk

People here don’t jaywalk.

With no cars around, they’ll aimlessly wait for the light to turn.

I come to the crosswalk and realize

How far I’ve moved away from home as the

Boy about my age on the other side doesn’t move.

I look at him and cross the street, and as am I’m about ¾ of the way he

Takes his first step off the curb into juvenile delinquency.

This is a town of followers.

People here are like unhired actors, waiting for cues, begging for a script a line anything.

Someone to be, somewhere to go,

I’m a little wary of what I’m learning here.

Sometimes I catch myself waiting no cars around at the curb for the light to turn until someone

else starts walking.

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